My story

It was fall in 2004 on a Saturday night at my parents’ house; my wife and I along with my grandparents were talking about watching a movie.

Surprisingly we decided on watching the Passion of Christ which had just came out on video. Crazy thing is up to that point my wife and I had nothing to do with God, Church or Jesus. We both had a past when we were kids, school etc.

However that was light years away at this point and nowhere in our minds.

For sake of time, I’m not going to go into details here of what my life was all about the 4 years before this. But it was far for what it is now.

But I recall watching this movie and being shaking to the core, not of conviction at this point just of pure shock! The shock was could this be true? Did this really happen?

So the 30 minute ride home my wife and I did nothing but talk about the movie, the next day we went and bought Bible’s and just started reading the Gospels. This reading went on for about four weeks, and after talks and deep conversations with coworkers and our grandparents we decided to start attending Sunday worship to the Lord.

Our life was changing; literally we could see the changes, life made sense, the way the world was and is made sense.

I recall conversations starting up at work about my new and amazing outlook on life and purpose.

I was telling some, there really is a God!

In some of these conversations, my co-workers would say, “You’re not going to get all holy on us are you?” My reply, not really knowing what to say was, “No, come on, but I’m just trying to, maybe, live a good life.”

These are also the type of responses you get from people when they think you when you might be starting to follow Jesus and trust in God.

They also said stuff like,

  • “What are you doing?”
  • “It’s just a phase.”
  • “I’ll be here when you’re done.”
  • “You can go to all that work, but I think everyone goes to heaven.”

Along with so many other lines, but these are a few.

But the journey that my wife and I have been on since opening our eyes to God and His plan is simply the best life to live.

In October of 2004 my wife and I both committed our life to the Lord and got baptized.

I was guided by some dear friends helping me understand God and who He was and why He is so important.

It was very simple in the beginning; the life of Jesus blew me away and I wanted to know more! As I sit here today the more I have gotten to know Jesus the more and I’m in awe.

Praise God for everything!

  1. Michael S. Osborn

    Thanks for following my blog and for the many likes. 🙂 May the Lord continue to bless you, your family and ministry.

    Liked by 1 person

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